Aug 22, 2022
Side Quests is back and this episode's host is a father, husband, middle-aged gamer and being on the hunt for the Shadowlord and Grimoire Noir, Ngachacha! The game he is talking about today is Nier Replicant Ver.1.22474487139... by Square Enix!
Aug 19, 2022
Matt & Geoff discuss minigames. Primarily those found in larger RPGs, but no genre is immune to a short shift in gameplay or perspective for a nebulous amount of gain. When are they fun? When are they frustrating? When are they a whole game unto themselves?
Aug 15, 2022
Side Quests is back and this episode's host is podcaster, video game collector, writer and one of the l'Cie, Matter of Michael! The game he is talking about today is Final Fantasy XIII-2 by Square Enix!
You can also find this episode's host on twitter as well as check out his podcat here and his book